quality building, on time, within your budget 




Make sure your builder has references and contact them.  Ask to look at buildings he has built.

Look carefully at the quality of the building; do not confuse it with the layout or design.

Ask what needed to be repaired or fixed afterwards. Did the builder do it or did someone else have to do it?  Was the problem the builders responsibility?



If you want to do an addition, speak to an experienced builder first; you might not need an architect, only a draughtsman, to do your plan.


If you want to do a renovation, you may only require an experienced builder


Get more than one opinion on your building from professionals.  Too much advice from unqualified friends could confuse you!


Make as many decisions as you can before you start building as changes can be costly and delay the progress of the building

Decks are engineered by the deck supplier and roofs by the truss manufacturer; you might not need another engineer as well.


The municipality may require engineering drawings but, in most cases, listing a reputable supplier is enough. At this early stage it does NOT mean you are commited to that supplier.


Remember that plans often take a long time to be approved.  Bargain on 3 to 6 months.


Builders can give you an estimate of prices before the plans have been approved but any quote would obviously be subject to plan approval.


If a renovation or building is likely to take more than 6 months, the owner and the builder must realize that there will be price increases which have not been catered for.  Price increases should then be negotiated between the owner and the builder.


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